Everything is Inside of You

Everything is Already Inside of You

The fun you had at the party last week was already inside of you.

The guru who can answer all your questions is already inside of you.

The knowledge and stimulation you need from a book you want to read is already inside of you.

The feeling of associating with rich and powerful people who you want to associate with is already inside of you.

The parent figure you are longing for and missing badly is already inside of you.

The feeling of being complete that comes from your lover is already inside of you.

The feeling that comes to you from being with your family and loved ones is already inside of you.

The music you want to listen to and dance to its tune is already inside of you.

God’s grace you are waiting for to fall upon you is already inside of you.

The motivation and the inspiration you are waiting to come to you from outside is already inside of you.

The psychic and physical energy you feel in need of now is already inside of you

The healing power you are searching for is already inside of you.

The feeling of harmony in relationships that you want to have is already inside of you.

The peace of mind that you are looking for is already inside of you.

The kingdom of heaven is already inside of you.


© Kishore Chandiramani, Consultant Psychiatrist
Emotions Clinic, Education and Training Centre Cic, Staffordshire, England

Image courtsey : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/772085929840708824/



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