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Living in the Present Moment

Living in the Present Moment


If we analyze the moments we are unhappy, we find that mostly we are either thinking about the past.

Someone asked Thich Nhat Hanh, a spiritual guru, “How do I stay in the present moment when it feels unbearable.” He said, “even if the present moment is unbearable, to go back to that moment is the only chance for us to do something in order to calm it down and to transform it.”

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Understanding Gratitude

Understanding Gratitude


“The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”
The dictionaries define gratitude as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” It has also been defined as one of the core spiritual values. A happy heart is full of gratitude and a heart full of gratitude is happy.

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The Invisible Links Between the Mind and the Matter

The Invisible Links Between the Mind and the Matter


We can understand the totality of our existence in terms of four domains.

We can understand the totality of our existence in terms of the following four domains i.e., material, interpersonal, personal, and transpersonal.

Sigmund Freud wrote about a hundred years ago that there cannot be psychology without biology, meaning the mind is an epiphenomenon of the brain, connecting the material domain with the rest three domains. A corollary to that would be that the mind can be fully understood through scientific investigations. Out of this notion grew an understanding that every thought had a molecule in our brain, and medicine one day will be able to solve all our psychological problems by studying the molecules.

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Is it possible to overcome evil?

Is it possible to overcome evil?


Evil has always existed, and so have wars. Does that mean we should make no effort to eliminate them? Philosophers tell us that there is no such thing as good or evil outside a framework of time, place, and causation. What seems good in one context can appear evil in another. Wars can be considered evil but there is something called holy war as well. During the second world war, the Americans were not interested in getting involved in a European bloody conflict and lose their men and material. They were opposed to any kind of war, but finally got involved in it saying – this is not a war in a conventional sense, it is a war to end a war.

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You are not a Creation but a Creator: People who understood this and carved out their own path

You are not a Creation but a Creator: People who understood this and carved out their own path


The downside of believing in God is that you become a child and want to be looked after by the father, forgetting that if there is a creator of this world the force of that creator did not create you from some material outside of itself. You are a holographic projection of your own self and also retain all its potentialities and have no separate identity of your own. The identity that one feels is self-created and disappears when one locates the source of the projection.

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