Understanding Unhappiness
Looking at this topic, you must be thinking “I don’t need someone else to tell me what unhappiness is, I know it damn well, and also know what causes it”. But let me tell you the language that we use to convey our negative emotions can be misleading, and it needs to be understood properly.

Understanding love
Love is not a feeling, not even a state of being or a finished product, but a constant state of becoming, it’s live and beating, like our heart, all the time. When you truly love somebody your thought I have done enough for this person and he/she is not responding gets replaced with the thought I haven’t done enough for this person and would like to do more. Even if you have done enough for this person, it has become the past, but your love right now is judged by your willingness to do more in the future. If that willingness has died your love has died.

How the Mind of a Child Works?
A child under the age of seven has no ability to control their emotions. What would you say to a parent who is shouting and screaming at their child, who is blind, for not being able to see things properly, or a lame child for not being able to walk properly?

Understanding Indian values/personality
There is so much diversity in customs, languages, food habits, rituals, lifestyles etc…
What comes to mind when one thinks of India? Very ancient spiritual land, religion dominating everyday life, meditation, and yoga, melodramatic Bollywood movies, poverty, heat and dust, weak law-enforcement, feudal systems still prevailing in parts of it, poor sanitation, family-oriented people who look after their elderly relatives, vegetarians, a non-drinking society, extraordinarily rich and diverse cultural heritage.