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Is My Unhappiness Normal?

Is My Unhappiness Normal?


Many people ask themselves – Is my unhappiness normal? and my guess is very few can find a satisfactory answer. They seek help when the issues start interfering with their everyday activities, relationships, and well-being in a significant way. However, the answer to this question is important, because if it is normal, one should just accept it; and if it is not, one must do something about it.

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The Gremlins in Our Mind

The Gremlins in Our Mind


Have you ever said or done anything that was unintentional and out of character for you?
Have you ever said or done anything that was unintentional and out of character for you, and you regretted it later? A moment of madness. Or the opposite of it, you ended up saying the right thing spontaneously without giving it a proper thought.

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