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Changing the wardrobe of the mind

Changing the wardrobe of the mind


Changing the wardrobe and the furnishings of the mind

During holidays and springtime, and also before Diwali and Christmas, I revisit my wardrobe in an attempt to get rid of the old stuff but I find myself putting half of the stuff back in the wardrobe as my mind is not ready to part with them as yet, although I haven’t used them in several months, and there is little chance they will be used in future.

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Psychological Shoes, Overcoat, Umbrella.

Psychological Shoes, Overcoat, Umbrella.


Where are your psychological shoes, overcoat, umbrella, and the cap?

When you step outside your house, you protect your body with your shoes, an umbrella, an overcoat, and your cap as the harsh outside environment can be hurtful to your body. Does not the same logic apply to your mind keeping in mind the adverse psychological atmosphere outside your house?

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How to measure successes and failures

How to measure successes and failures


Success is simply defined as achieving the goals that you set for yourself. Which means achieving the results of your actions. We know that there is no one-to-one correlation between our actions and getting the results, as our actions may be under our control but getting the results depends upon others’ options and actions about us.

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If it is not broken, why fix it

If it is not broken, why fix it


A relative of mine who is big time into alternative medicine keeps telling me about new therapies such as yoga, homeopathy, crystal therapy, Bach flower remedy, Reiki healing, fasting, yogic breathing, ayurvedic medicines, liver detox, fasting, etc, every time I meet him, and I keep resisting his attempts to persuade me to try them out for myself.

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