October 1, 2020
The Psychology of Corona
Back The Psychology of Corona Overview The CrisisThe deserted streets, schools, colleges, parks, shopping malls, railway platform and airports offer a very disturbing scene to us all, invoking a plethora of emotions and fill us with fear, anxiety, uncertainties, sadness and a feeling of impending doom. The anxieties and uncertainties created by the Corona pandemic seem to be the mother of all anxieties – this crisis doesn’t just threaten our lifestyles, livelihood and sense of security but also our own existence and that of our loved ones. During such times people generally start questioning the meaning and purpose of life,
October 1, 2020
The Goals in Life
Back The Goals in Life Overview We generally don’t get asked what is the goal or purpose of eating delicious food, or smelling a rose or having sex, but we do get asked what is the purpose of working hard or earning money. It’s because we see the first category of activities as “the end in itself” whereas the second category as “the means to an end.” Applied to life, when someone asks what is the ultimate goal of life they are seeing life as a means to something and not an end in itself, otherwise they would’t ask this question.Whenever
September 26, 2020
The Virus, the Lockdown and Coping with Emotions
Back The Virus, the Lockdown and Coping with Emotions Overview Lockdown has evoked emotions of fear, loneliness, anxiety, separation, loss, helplessness and not being in control of our lives. If we analyse deeply we will find that we don’t feel the same at all the time. These negative emotions come and go, or we move in and out of them. How does that happen? We can see that this is not because we are distracted or denying the emotion, or are unmindful of the situation that has triggered these emotions. Perhaps a part of our mind can deal with these emotions
September 15, 2020
Doing Psychotherapy during Corona Crisis
Back Doing Psychotherapy during Corona Crisis Overview Is it possible to do psychotherapy effectively under lockdown? How should it be different from psychotherapy under normal circumstances? Are telephone/video therapy sessions good enough? How should therapists respond to client’s anxieties when they themselves are experiencing fear and insecurity? Is it okay to de-catastrophise patients’ anxieties related to the pandemic? Should therapists behave like national leaders during wartime, inwardly insecure and frightened but outwardly courageous and boosting public (client) morale? Should they be more authentic in the therapy room or hide away their emotions behind the therapist opacity and impenetrability that they can